Coview is a progressive toolbox designed to instantly connect with your website visitors or web app users and quickly resolve any issues they might be facing right on the spot.
Apart from essential features like full-blown chat, Coview offers advanced yet simple-to-use visual communication tools:
Enhanced screenshot
Users have the ability to mark up any part of the captured page, leave notes and hide any sensitive data.
Screen recording
Users can record their interaction with the website to demonstrate the problem.
Co-browsing (a.k.a. two-way screen-sharing)
Support staff can provide guidance by browsing the website alongside users in real-time.
Coview also drastically simplifies debugging by capturing code-level data and network activity. Users no longer have to locate and send error logs to your support team - you get fully automated coverage in the context of error reporting and bug catching. Having access to network stats also helps to resolve issues faster, and you can use this data as a real-world basis for your website’s performance profiling and monitoring.
On top of that, you can inspect and time-travel through user's screen recordings or co-browsing session replays since those aren't just video streams, but rather snapshots of all webpage elements at any given moment with every interaction captured into a coherent timeline. This enormously accelerates the issue resolution process by ditching the error reproduction burden altogether.
Video overview
Here's a quick video describing what Coview has to offer:
Updated almost 5 years ago